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A 15-month old toddler is seen in the ED with pallor and decrease in activity. History reveals that the child eats very little solid food and receives most of his nutrition from drinking six 8-ounce bottles of whole milk daily. His hemoglobin is found to be 3.1 g/dL, and he is given a transfusion of PRBCs 10 mL/kg over 2 hours. He is discharged home to follow up with his PCP but returns 3 hours later with shortness of breath. Exam now reveals: lung exam – rales and wheezes. Cardiac exam: tachycardia and an S3 gallop rhythm but no hypotension. Abdominal exam: liver 3cm below right subcostal margin. CXR shows bilateral patchy infiltrates and mild cardiomegaly. There is no rash or angioedema. He is afebrile. O2 sat is 90% on room air. 

Which of the following transfusion complications is the most likely diagnosis?