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Which of the following otherwise well-appearing non-toxic patients with a low-grade fever from viral URI should NOT take ibuprofen?
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Which of the following otherwise well-appearing non-toxic patients with a low-grade fever from viral URI should NOT take ibuprofen?
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February 22, 2024 at 9:17 pm
D) 6 year old boy recently hospitalized for Kawasaki disease, on maintenance aspirin therapy
Aspirin is also an NSAID, and generally, aspirin and ibuprofen should not be given together. In Kawasaki disease therapy in particular, ibuprofen may interfere with the desired antiplatelet activity of aspirin. Ibuprofen has NOT been shown to interfere with healing of fractures, despite the persistent myth. Ibuprofen is also approved for use in age 6 months or older (use in 3-6 month olds is common in other countries, but controversial in USA). Ibuprofen can help close a PDA, although this would be unlikely in a 2 year old. It is OK to mix ibuprofen and acetaminophen, and their combination may result in synergistic effect on analgesia and antipyresis.