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You are seeing a 3 year old whose parent noticed a lump in the neck while bathing her. You palpate posterior cervical node(s).
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You are seeing a 3 year old whose parent noticed a lump in the neck while bathing her. You palpate posterior cervical node(s).
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October 29, 2021 at 9:31 am
C) Bilateral nodes
The vast majority of palpable lymph nodes in young children are normal or reactive. Lymph nodes that are < 1cm, mobile, rubbery, nontender, not supraclavicular in location, and not associated with B symptoms (fever, night sweats, easy bleeding / bruising, weight loss, fatigue) are less concerning for malignancy. Firm matted large nontender nodes, particularly when associated with B symptoms, pallor, hepatosplenomegaly, bone pain, or symptoms of a mediastinal mass are concerning. Bilateral nodes are less concerning than unilateral; bilateral nodes are more often associated with infectious causes (reactive, EBV, CMV, cat-scratch).