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A 12mo old child with immunizations up to date presents with fever and rash. Which of the following distributions is concerning for measles?
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A 12mo old child with immunizations up to date presents with fever and rash. Which of the following distributions is concerning for measles?
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February 26, 2020 at 6:00 pm
D) Rash that starts at the hairline on the head and spreads downwards
Measles rash spread has been described as similar to a can of red paint being poured over the head, spreading downwards from there. Rash A is the distribution of hand-foot-mouth (coxsackie) disease, and is papulovesicular. Rash B is chickenpox (varicella), also papulovesicular and presenting in crops. Rash C is erythema infectiosum aka fifth disease (parvovirus B19), typically macular. Rash E is Gianotti-Crosti syndrome, which is polygonal, flat-topped, papular or papulovesicular. Kids are immunized with the MMR and Varicella vaccines at 12-15 months of age. However, even fully immunized patients can get these diseases as the vaccines are 93-97% effective; they often have a milder course.