Measure your fingernails to see which is closest to 1cm – now you will always have a 1cm “ruler” with which to measure lesions, lacerations, discolorations, etc.
Measure your fingernails to see which is closest to 1cm – now you will always have a 1cm “ruler” with which to measure lesions, lacerations, discolorations, etc.
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September 16, 2016 at 9:18 am
I have actually taken this a step further and have measured my index finger and thumb to various knuckles. Tip of my index finger to PIP is 6cm; tip of index finger to MCP is 10 cm. Tip of thumb to DIP is 3.5cm, width of thumb is 2cm. Thus,I always have a ruler “handy”!
September 16, 2016 at 11:16 pm
Love the pun! My ruler is so much smaller… tip of index to PIP is only 4cm and tip of index to MCP is 7cm. But now I know – great idea!