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You are seeing a 1 week old with the pictured oral lesions.
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You are seeing a 1 week old with the pictured oral lesions.
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March 8, 2022 at 11:25 am
E) Bohn nodules
Newborns in the first weeks of life commonly have both Bohn nodules, mucous gland cysts on the alveolar ridges (buccal and lingual sides) or rarely the palate, and Epstein pearls, epithelium entrapped during palatal fusion and found in the midline upper palate. Periapical abscesses occur when there is an abscessed tooth root, and wouldn’t be found in a neonate. Natal teeth are usually paired, are most common in the location of the lower incisors, and are not present at birth. Ranulas are mucoceles found on the floor of the mouth, under the tongue, and more commonly seen in older children. Image from: https://www.ozident.com/cysts-jaw-odontogenic-cysts/bohns-nodules/