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You are seeing a 3yo girl brought in by ambulance after a new-onset seizure. The patient has no past medical history, but has been having an acute viral gastroenteritis for the last 24 hours, as have several family members. She has had decreased oral intake, vomited 3 times non-bloody non-bilious, and had 3 episodes of watery non-bloody diarrhea. She is afebrile. She went to bed at 9:30pm, sleeping next to her parent, and the parent was awakened by her having a generalized tonic-clonic seizure at 6am. Per EMS, seizure had resolved on their arrival but she was lethargic; point-of-care blood glucose was 40 mg/dL in the field, and she was given 5 mL/kg of D10W IV with patient becoming more alert. In the ED, her urine dip is positive for ketones.

What is the most likely diagnosis
19 votes