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A toddler, visiting for the holidays, has been roaming his grandmother’s large backyard, nibbling on plants.
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A toddler, visiting for the holidays, has been roaming his grandmother’s large backyard, nibbling on plants.
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December 22, 2020 at 10:44 am
D) Foxglove
All of the mentioned plants have some toxic effects, but foxglove, which has digitalis-like properties, has the potential to cause the most serious toxicity given it’s cardiotoxic effects. Poinsettia plants get a bad rap, causing only GI upset and drooling. Diffenbachia are among the common houseplants that contain oxalates which can cause oral irritation and GI upset when eaten. Rarely, consumption of a lot of oxalates can lead to hypocalcemia. Jimson weed has anticholinergic effects and Salvia divinorum LSD-like effects – both are used by adults for a “legal” high.