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As part of the work-up for abnormal behavior in a 3 year old, the qualitative urine drug screen comes back positive for a substance.
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As part of the work-up for abnormal behavior in a 3 year old, the qualitative urine drug screen comes back positive for a substance.
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May 18, 2021 at 9:31 pm
E) Cocaine
Qualitative urine drug screens typically are immunoassays using antibodies to detect the presence of drug metabolites. For some drugs, other substances (medications, foods, household products) can potentially cross-react with the antibodies and result in a false positive. False positives occur most commonly for amphetamines, from substances such as pseudoephedrine, bupropion, labetalol, ranitidine, and metformin. Poppy seeds, quinolones, and rifampin can cause a false positive for opiates. NSAIDs, PPIs, and baby wash products have been associated with false positives for cannabis. Several medications can cause a false positive for PCP. Coca leaves can cause a false positive for cocaine; however, no therapeutic medications commonly cause a false positive cocaine result.