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You are seeing a 4 month old infant with fever, nasal congestion, and cough for 2 days. The baby is a previously well ex-full term infant with no past medical history, up to date on immunizations. He has been slightly less than usual but still having several wet diapers per day, and is still playful and interactive. On exam, his temperature is 38.4C, HR 135, RR 48, BP 80/40, and O2 sat 93% on room air. He has diffuse mild wheezes and minimal subcostal retractions, but no grunting, nasal flaring, stridor, cardiac murmur, hepatomegaly, or evidence of dehydration. There is no personal or family history of prior wheezing. His parents are able to return to the ED if necessary and can arrange follow-up with their pediatrician. 

The best disposition plan for this patient is:
11 votes