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You are preparing to repair an upper lip laceration that crosses the vermillion border in a cooperative 15 year old girl who was bitten by the family dog. In order to reduce distension of the tissues which may result in poor vermillion border alignment and poor cosmesis, you decide to use a regional block for anesthesia.
January 20, 2021 at 2:49 pm
B) Infraorbital
Blocking the infraorbital nerve is useful for upper lip lacerations, and blocking the mental nerve is useful for lower lip lacerations. The supraorbital nerve block anesthetizes the ipsilateral forhead and superior periocular / eye region. The dorsal nasal nerve block anesthetizes the ipsilateral cartilaginous nasal dorsum. The inferior alveolar nerve block is commonly used to relieve lower mandibular dental pain, and will also anesthetize the lower ipsilateral lip and chin. This is an excellent 2-part overview of repairing lip lacerations https://lacerationrepair.com/techniques/anatomic-regions/lip-lacerations-part-i/