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Note: conundrums are not meant to have a “right” answer – they are to see how most people are practicing. Would love your comments also regarding your thought processes and the evidence behind your decisions. We can learn from each other!

April 30, 2018 at 4:24 am
There are not a lot of data on safety and efficacy of NSAIDs in infants. The concern is that young infants have immature renal function. Ibuprofen is approved for 6 months and older in the US and parts of Europe, but is used in infants aged 3-6 months in the UK and Australia. Ziesenitz VC et al Pediatr Drugs 2017;19:277-290 reviewed available data. They concluded that ibuprofen is safe in infants 3 months and older, weighing at least 5-6 kg, and with a dose of 5-10 mg/kg orally, 3-4 times per day, not to exceed 30-40 mg/kg/day.