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Tag Oncology

Question: Onc

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Question: Onc

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Question: Rash

(Click the link to comment and to vote – voting not working through email, sorry!) You are evaluating a 10 year old patient who had a bone marrow transplant 2 months ago. The patient is presenting with low-grade fever, a… Continue Reading →

Question: Onc

(Click the link to comment and to vote – voting not working through email, sorry!) You are seeing a 3 year old whose parent noticed a lump in the neck while bathing her. You palpate posterior cervical node(s). 

Question: Heme-Onc

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Question: Critical Care

You are caring for a 6yo oncology patient presenting in septic shock. Although he is oxygenating and ventilating well at this time, you plan to intubate him to reduce his metabolic work. The most important pre- treatment before rapid sequence… Continue Reading →

Question: Oncology

A 12yo boy with ALL, recent induction chemotherapy 2 weeks ago, presents to the ED with fever, RLQ abdominal pain, 2 episodes of watery diarrhea with streaks of blood, nausea but no vomiting. Denies ill contacts. On exam, temperature 38.4,… Continue Reading →

Question: Shock

A 12yo boy with very high risk ALL, recent chemotherapy 4 days prior, presents to the ED with fever and lethargy. Temperature is 39C, HR 180, RR 24, BP 80/50.  The patient is lethargic, has no nuchal rigidity, lungs are… Continue Reading →

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